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This is a temporary redirection page associated with a replication study of Van Horn et al for review transparency. We're currently finishing the paper.

Interative Graphs

The interactive graphs for Hamiltonian cycles can be found here.

Source Data for Interative Graphs

Cheeseman's algorithm on 16 nodes graphs: [1] Average and median computational costs: [2]

Cheeseman's algorithm on 24 node graphs:"] Average and median computational costs: [3]

Van Horn's algorithm on 16 node graphs: [4] Average and median computational costs: [5]

Van Horn's algorithm on 24 node graphs: [6] Average and median computational costs: [7]

Vandegriend and Culberson's algorithm on 16 nodes: [8] Average and median computational costs: [9]

Vandegriend and Culberson's algorithm on 24 nodes [10] Average and median computational costs [11]

Source Code for the algortihms

And here is the source code of the algorithms.