Groene energie is de energie van de toekomst, en zelf produceren is de mode van nu. Veel huizen hebben tegenwoordig zonnepanelen, windmolens of andere installaties om zelf energie mee te produceren. Fortuinlijk genoeg produceren die installaties vaak meer dan voor eigen consumptie nodig is. Het overschot zou kunnen worden terugverkocht aan de leverancier, maar de infrastructuur (het grid) is daar veelal niet op berekend. Om de pieken in consumptie en produktie te kunnen managen moeten er batterijen geplaatst worden.
A) The city council of the neighbourhoods that opted for a smart grid have proposed a few favourable spots
where the batteries must be placed. Connect all houses (same as the maps above) to one of the batteries. Apart from the feasibility, costs are also an issue. These fixed batteries all cost 5000. The cost function is given by:
Cost = sum(battery * battery type’s price) + (wire length * 9)
B) Calculate the cost of your setup and try to optimize it further (if possible)
It is figured out that the batteries might not have been in the best place to begin with. It is voted to choose new positions for the batteries.
C) Try to improve the results found in exercise B by moving the positions of the batteries.
Due to the research done earlier in A, B and C, SomeBatteryCompany Inc. saw some feasible business opportunities. They made three new types of batteries which are listed below. The residents of the neighbourhoods ask you to come up with a plan to store all their energy as cost-efficiently as possible. You can place batteries anywhere, and use as many of each battery type as you think you need.
Battery types:
- 1 Cap: 450 Price: 900
- 2 Cap: 900 Price: 1350
- 3 Cap: 1800 Price: 1800
D) Configure a new set up for the Smart Grid, for as low as possible cost.
New legislations enact that residents having to tolerate cables run underneath their houses are entitled to a compensation of 10.000 euro. This seriously changes the cost scheme for any configuration.
E) Configure a new set up for the Smart Grid, for as low as possible cost.
Advanced) Create a series of new battery-schemes, when are they harder to solve and when is it harder to choose which battery to place?
Links & Trivia
De eerste versie van deze case is in juni 2017 ontwikkeld door Jasper Bakker en Stein Verdenius in het kader van Advanced Heuristics.
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